The Lord Provides!

Monday night I shared an update on Kelly’s treatment expenses and costs. At that time, we were $5,776 short of the Week 6 (currently underway) and Week 7 estimated expenses deposit, which was due Wednesday, 2/14.

Not only did we get unbelievably blessed by so many to obtain $6,515 more donations towards Kelly’s ongoing treatment costs, but the deposit amount owed got reduced by $1K due to a found discrepancy!

WOW! The Lord provides! It was an amazing blessing today to pay the $19,000 due knowing that we had it available in the treatment cost account. Thank you to those who prayed with us, shared, and/or donated.

Kelly’s weekly doctor visit and update was very positive. Heather was there on FaceTime to hear and discuss as needed. Kelly’s body is continuing to show increased health and wellness each week. We are so thankful!

  • Kelly’s kidney function continues to increase. We saw the best GFR (kidney filtration rate) yet = 31. That’s up from 23 before we started treatment at the clinic.

  • Inflammation markers continue to get closer to normal limits, down from their elevated status when Kelly first arrived. CRP = 1.0 this week

  • Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH), although it has always been within normal limits for Kelly’s lab work, continues to trend downward. Standard range 112-245. Kelly started the clinic with LDH at 163 and it’s now 139. This is significant because LDH is an anaerobic activity marker and is linked to cancer, with studies showing less positive prognosis with elevated LDH. It’s great that Kelly’s LDH is on the lower side.

  • We are developing an exit strategy for Kelly to leave the clinic in AZ and return home to Montana. He will complete Week 8 of treatment and head home - so the McGoo Crew should be all back together again at the start-ish of March!

  • Kelly has been taken off (as of 2/14 afternoon) his Allopurinol medication. He was prescribed this med at the start of October when he was hospitalized to help with his high uric acid levels and gout issues. The uric acid and gout is now well controlled with his new dietary regimen. And, considering that Allopurinol is hard on the kidneys, it’s time to kick that extra pill twice a day to the curb and see how it benefits continued kidney health.


Playing Catch Up

