Testifying to God’s Faithfulness

Team McGoo Team McGoo

I Need a Ride

When we shared our prayer and need for transportation while in Arizona, so many jumped up with willingness to help. More than a handful of people shared their network and community pursuits with Arizona contacts to see what they could do. It was awesome to have so many reaching out and networking to find a transportation solution for us.

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Team McGoo Team McGoo

What Our Hearts Need

And then the emotions of a mother, “how do I let my kiddos know that their daddy unexpectedly is spending the night at the hospital? How do I wake them early to say “see you later” before I leave for the hospital?!” Tears rolled. And I prayed, “God, help me share with my kiddos and know how to do so”.

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Team McGoo Team McGoo

Perfect Provision Through Obedient Friends

We were blown away, overwhelmed, and honestly don’t know how to describe the feelings we had related to the overflowing of love and responses we received following the minimal social media share

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