
McGoo Musings

The journey is unknown, but we know that we are not alone. Opportunities to share our thoughts, updates, and specifics about Kelly’s unexpected health journey.

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2 Weeks Home

The joy of receiving Kelly back to home to Montana from Arizona on Monday, March 4th was beyond a relief and blessing!!! After 59 days away, we finally had Kelly home and were ready to celebrate! . . .

The last two weeks since Kelly’s arrival home have simultaneously been wonderful and difficult.

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Repeat PET Scan

No matter how much you do, what treatment you pursue, or how confident you are at the Lord’s provision and faithfulness, there is a reality that even the idea of a repeat PET Scan to re-evaluate the current condition of your cancer status breads uncomfortable feelings and emotions.

What if?

We stepped into that space today.

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Team McGoo Team McGoo

Treatment Costs Expanded

The goal of this post is to update everyone, in a transparent way, regarding the expenses of treatment and how the funds raised are being utilized. We cannot say THANK YOU enough for everyone that has given so generously, shared, and pray! Because of you and the work God has and is doing in and through you, we have been able to support Kelly in such a comprehensive way!

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Team McGoo Team McGoo

Playing Catch Up

Completion of Week 5, and the happenings of Week 6 & 7. Mrs. McGoo attempts a quick update, but nothing is really quick with monkeys jumping all around and a long-winded Mrs. trying to get to the point.

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Team McGoo Team McGoo

The Lord Provides!

WOW! The Lord provides! It was an amazing blessing today to pay the $19,000 due knowing that we had it available in the treatment cost account. Thank you to those who prayed with us, shared, and/or donated.

Kelly’s weekly doctor Visit and update was very positive. Heather was there on FaceTime to hear and discuss as needed. Kelly’s body is continuing to show increased health and wellness each week. We are so thankful!

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Hyperthermia yesterday was a success thanks to how many covered Kelly in prayer. Thank you!

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Treatment Costs Continued

I just sat down to have the time to update our treatment costs and fundraising status. My next deposit payment for treatment is due Wednesday 2/14. We now know that the the plan is for Kelly to continue through 8 weeks of treatment at the clinic before heading homeward bound to MT and continuing things locally at home.

Full breakdown below, but cliff notes are as follows:

We owe $20K on Wednesday and have $14,224.56 left in the fundraising account.

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Week 5 Touching Base

Last week concluded Week 5 of Kelly’s treatment at the clinic . . . part of the to do list left by the Mrs before she headed back to MT was to have Kelly share a lil bit about this current status and how things are going thus far with all that has been happening over the last five weeks plus in Arizona.

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Team McGoo Team McGoo

Treatment Cost Update

We are so to thankful and honored for the generosity and kindness. THANK YOU!

In an attempt to be transparent and accountable for the generous funds given, as well as continue to share the need, I want to share an updated financial picture of treatment thus far.

Funds Paid Thus Far (as of February 3, 2024 5:30p MST)

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Team McGoo Team McGoo

Week 4 of Treatment

As expected, while the Mrs and McGoo monkeys are away back in MT, it’s a little more difficult to stay on top and share all the nitty gritty about Kelly and his continued treatment.

Kelly was blessed with some amazing visitors this week to support him while the Mrs. and monkeys were away!

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Team McGoo Team McGoo

Though You Slay Me

Last week, week 3 of treatment and the Mrs and littles’ second week in Arizona during this journey was probably the most difficult yet for our family. The best all encompassing word to describe ALL the feels was “TIRED”. We all felt spent and depleted.

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Team McGoo Team McGoo

Treatment Costs

We couldn’t be getting this amazing care that Kelly has been receiving without the amazing generosity of so many. If you have prayed, shared, and/or given - we cannot thank you enough! Although we KNEW this treatment route (fully comprehensive cancer care . . . integrated oncology that looks not just at the chronic fermenting cells [the cancer] and how to kill them, but also pursuing cause and whole body care to create an environment that cancer does not want to thrive) was the way we needed to go, especially in relation to Kelly’s very sensitive kidney status - we could not have done it without you!

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Chemo Start

Week 3 of treatment at the Comprehensive Cancer Care clinic and we have hit the time for chemotherapy to begin. Tuesday, January 23rd, Kelly had his first bout of chemo. Kelly is being treated with a low-dose chemo process that not only helps to put less load onto his kidneys (HUGE NEED), but also the ways in which the clinic administers the chemo allows for the pursuit of greater cancer cell uptake of the chemo toxin versus a systemic effect that kills the good with the bad. It’s a fascinating process.

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Team McGoo Team McGoo

Catching Up

It’s amazing how much less “in the know” about all the nitty gritty I (Heather) am when back in Montana. I feel like I am playing catch up once we arrived back into Arizona late Friday night / Saturday early morning.

Although we are not fully out of contact when the McGoo Crew is not all together, between the busy schedule that the Mrs. and monkeys have in MT and the packed days Mr. has at the clinic Monday through Firday, it’s tough to get all the time you need to stay fully in the know.

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Q&A with McGoo, Week 2

We are on the second week of treatment. Kelly is still in AZ while Heather and the kiddos are back in MT for the week. Although they planned to travel home on Friday 1/12, storms and intense weather canceled flights on Friday and the McGoo Crew was able to stay together throughout the weekend before the Mrs. and monkeys departed for home Monday 1/15.

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Week 1 Thankfulness

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” - Philippians 4:6

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Praise Report on DAY 2

Today was still orientation-ish, meeting everyone and getting acclimated with the clinic, learning about upcoming therapies, and the flow of the daily to dos that will part of Kelly’s daily and weekly rhythm.

Tomorrow, Day 3, everything kicks it up a notch . . . Kelly’s JUICE FEAST begins - 10 days of green juice only, and IV infusion therapy starts.

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Official Start

Today, January 8, 2024 marks the day that we have officially started treatment for Kelly’s cancer.

My sister said it best, . . . this official start “reality is equally encouraging and overwhelming in the THIS IS REAL way”. We are here and it’s time to get to work. As we spent our time together at Oasis of Healing, there was no doubt, throughout every interaction of the day, that we have chosen the right route and direction for Kelly’s needs.

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We’ve been READY, . . . We’ve been SET, . . . now it’s time to GO!

We’re in Arizona! A direct flight Kalispell, MT to Phoenix/Mesa, AZ is a blessing. In less than 2.5 hours, the entire McGoo crew landed in Arizona on Friday, January 5th taking the next step in this unexpected adventure.

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I Can’t Do This On My Own

There is so much happening and buzzing in our heads as we prepare our family for the journey ahead. Arrangements and logistics being selected, funding needs for treatment continuing to be raised, things to know from the clinic before we head that way, and more.

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