Treatment Costs Expanded

Week 8 is upon us, and that means the conclusion of Kelly’s full-time treatment in Arizona is near. It’s exciting and nerve-wrecking simultaneously, which I’ll work elaborate and share in another post.

The goal of this post is to update everyone, in a transparent way, regarding the expenses of treatment and how the funds raised are being utilized. We cannot say THANK YOU enough for everyone that has given so generously, shared, and pray! Because of you and the work God has and is doing in and through you, we have been able to support Kelly in such a comprehensive way!

Funds Paid Thus Far (as of February 26, 2024 9:33p MST):

  • Day 1, January 8th: First week estimated treatment expense deposit: Paid $15,000

Remaining Funds Raised: 108,809 - 15,000 = $93,809

  • Week 1 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the $15K deposit): $7,531.11

Invoiced expenses included: New Patient, Extended Comprehensive Assessment; Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Enema training and supplies; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals 3 x daily + green juices x 2 Monday through Saturday; Snacks; Bemer Bed (Bio Electro-Magnetic Energy Regulation); PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy); Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT); Infrared Sauna; Cancer Profile sent to American Metabolic Laboratories; numerous IV infusions; Incentive Spirometer; Dry Brush, dry brushing training

  • Additional Week 1 Expenses outside of the clinic - Paid $838.45

These included: Toxin Analysis Send-off (499.00), Echo + EKG (339.45)

Remaining Funds Raised: $75,849 - 838.45 = $92,970.55

  • January 17 - 2nd & 3rd week estimated treatment expense deposit - Paid $13,000

Remaining Funds Raised: $92,970.55 - 13,000 = $79,970.55

  • Week 2 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the deposit account): $12,037.98

Invoiced expenses included: Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals x 3 for Saturday and Sunday for Juice Feast break; Green juices x 6-8 per day for Monday-Friday; Snacks; Bemer Bed; PEMF; Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; EWOT; Infrared Sauna; numerous IV infusions; Supplements; Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI); Weekly physician care and consult meeting; Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO); Peptide injections, training and materials/meds.

  • Additional Week 2 Expenses outside of the clinic - Paid $1,285.99

These included: Bio Dentist Consult & Plan of Care Established (647), Medications from the Pharmacy (638.99)

Remaining Funds Raised: $79,970.55 - 1,285.99 = $78,684.56

  • January 24 - 3rd & 4th week estimated treatment expense deposit - Paid $17,000

Remaining Funds Raised: $78,684.56 - 17,000 = $61,684.56

  • Week 3 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the deposit account): $12,470.52

Invoiced expenses included: Chemotherapy and all surrounding medications administered that day; Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals x 3 Monday through Saturday; Green juices x 2 per day for Monday-Friday; Snacks; Bemer Bed; PEMF; Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; EWOT; Infrared Sauna; numerous IV infusions; Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI); Weekly physician care and consult meeting; Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO), Specialty sweat pants and sweat shirt for upcoming hyperthermia treatment.

  • January 31 - 4th & 5th week estimated treatment expense deposit - Paid $15,600

Remaining Funds Raised: $61,684.56 - 15,600 = $46,084.56

  • Week 4 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the deposit account): $11,836.32

Invoiced expenses included: Chemotherapy and all surrounding medications administered that day; Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; VitD injections; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals x 3 Monday through Saturday; Green juices x 2 per day for Monday-Friday; Snacks; Bemer Bed; PEMF; Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; EWOT; Infrared Sauna; numerous IV infusions; Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI); Weekly physician care and consult meeting; Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO).

  • February 7 - 5th & 6th week estimated treatment expense deposit - Paid $13,900

Remaining Funds Raised: $46,084.56 - 13,900 = $32,184.56

  • Week 5 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the deposit account): $17,372.06

Invoiced expenses included: Chemotherapy and all surrounding medications administered that day; Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; VitD injections; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals x 3 Monday through Saturday; Green juices x 2 per day for Monday-Friday; Snacks; Bemer Bed; PEMF; Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; EWOT; Infrared Sauna; numerous IV infusions; Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI); Weekly physician care and consult meeting; Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO); Hyperthermia session and sedation medications for the procedure; and Lymphatic Mapping.

  • February 14 - 6th & 7th week estimated treatment expense deposit - Paid $19,000

Remaining Funds Raised: $32,184.56 - 19,000 = $13,184.56

  • Week 6 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the deposit account): $15,489.19

Invoiced expenses included: Chemotherapy and all surrounding medications administered that day; Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; VitD injections; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals x 3 Monday through Saturday; Green juices x 2 per day for Monday-Friday; Snacks; Bemer Bed; PEMF; Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; EWOT; Infrared Sauna; numerous IV infusions; Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI); Weekly physician care and consult meeting; Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO); Hyperthermia session and sedation medications for the procedure; and Lymphatic Mapping.

Dehydration Class

  • Additional Week 7 Expenses outside of the clinic - Paid $2,431.00

These included: Bio Dentist Ozone Cleaning and Partial Implant Replacement

Remaining Funds Raised: $13,184.56 - 2,431.00 = $10,753.56

  • February 21 - 7th & 8th week estimated treatment expense deposit - Paid $15,600

Remaining Funds Raised: $10,753.56 - 15,600 = SHORT (-) $4,846.44

  • Week 7 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the deposit account): $14,768.34

Invoiced expenses included: Chemotherapy and all surrounding medications administered that day; Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; VitD injections; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals x 3 Monday through Saturday; Green juices x 2 per day for Monday-Friday; Snacks; Bemer Bed; PEMF; Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; EWOT; Infrared Sauna; numerous IV infusions; Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI); Weekly physician care and consult meeting; Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO); Hyperthermia session and sedation medications for the procedure.

  • Transaction Fees [cumulative, 2.9% + $0.30 per donation] from GoFundMe thus far: $1,586.85 paid

We have fully spent the funds raised thus far:

(-) $4,846.44 - 1,586.85 = SHORT (-) $6,433.29

Upcoming known expenses week 8 outside of the clinic . . . Repeat PET Scan Wednesday 2/28/24 scheduled.

No week 8 estimated expense deposit owed this week, the deposit account currently holds likely enough money to complete Week 8 upcoming invoices.

Medical Share Reimbursement Request Status:

Our medical share, although it has been amazing for the conventional plan of care reimbursement process, does not allow for reimbursement of therapies that are considered naturopath or holistic in nature. We have submitted the following expenses without an answer yet, pulling out only the conventional like treatment things such as blood work, fluids, and medication administration, including the chemo.

I’ve been under the assumption that the medical share would reimburse for the conventional items in our plan of care. I have been expectant for that process, even though I knew it would be delayed in receiving the funds.

PRAY WITH US boldly that reimbursement would be approved. Today I checked reimbursement status on the medical share website for the items I’ve already submitted and noted that there is now further documentation on their website that they COULD reject these due to “non-standard procedures and treatment plans, including blood work or testing supporting such treatment. This includes treatment plans that follow an alternative, integrative, complementary, functional, holistic, or naturopathic approach. To be considered for sharing, treatment must follow a conventional approach and meet the medical standard of care for the condition submitted. This Guideline applies regardless of the type of practitioner implementing treatment.”

  • January 23rd: Week 1 & 2 reimbursement requested: $5,534.83

  • January 31st: Week 3 reimbursement requested: $4,908.20

  • February 20th: Week 4 reimbursement requested: $5,038.32

  • February 20th: Week 5 reimbursement requested: $5,173.16


    Reimbursement received thus far: $0

*** Pray with us expectantly for the reimbursement dollars to come.

Receiving the reimbursement would allow for us to more easily continue the discharge plan of care for Kelly at home with less financial stress and strain. The discharge plan from the clinic will include not only the plant-base, raw as much as possible diet, but also antiparacitics ongoing, weekly lymphatic massage, acupuncture, and colonics. Plus bi-monthly labs and continued care with an integrated naturopath locally who could help continue to administer the VitC infusions for Kelly and maintain his care in coordination with the clinic in AZ. All of these continued therapies are out of pocket therefore the funds reimbursed would continue to go directly towards Kelly’s continued treatment costs. We would also like to purchase Kelly a PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy) machine for home that has been instrumental while being used at the clinic and supportive for Kelly’s kidney health and healing.

Matthew 6: 25-34

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


Repeat PET Scan


Playing Catch Up