PRAISE, we found a provider that will partner with us in willingness to not only fight the cancer but fight to maintain and preserve as much kidney function as possible!

Pray for the continued logistics that come with the treatment outside the city in which we live. Kelly is in AZ during the treatment time, at least 8 weeks. Heather and the kiddos are traveling back and forth to not only be there with Kelly, but also give the kiddos opportunities to stay connected and engaged with activities at home.

Pray for the kiddos as we navigate the unknown roads ahead and that we parent them well during this process, pointing them to Jesus all along the way!

Pray for the finances we need to complete Kelly’s treatment - 6 weeks worth of the comprehensive care program is approximately $90,000. This amount seems more than overwhelming when we view it within our own strength, but know that God is able! At the recommendation of many, we started a GoFundMe account to help fundraise for this treatment plan.

Pray for Kelly’s heart as he not only feels the weight of the hard things happening within his body, but the desire to lift the burden from his family. Typical Kelly, thinking of everyone but himself, but we desire for him to feel God’s faithfulness and rest in the knowledge that HE HEALS and HE PROVIDES for all of us!

PRAISE, the PET Scan on 12/12 shows cancer only within the are of the mass that was already known!

PRAISE, God provided over and beyond expectation for transportation needs while in AZ. Read the story here.

Pray for Kelly as chemo start tomorrow, January 23rd. Pray that the comprehensive care and attention the clinic is giving Kelly to support his body, helps not only support the kidneys during this part of the treatment but knocks the tumor in his mesentery out.



Updated Last: 1/22/24