I Need a Ride

When we shared our prayer and need for transportation while in Arizona, so many jumped up with willingness to help. More than a handful of people shared their network and community pursuits with Arizona contacts to see what they could do. It was awesome to have so many reaching out and networking to find a transportation solution for us.

Thursday evening, the night before our flight out, we still did not have transportation established so we knew it was time to get a vehicle schedule. Thankfully, we were gifted a significant rental discount from a friend and logged online to schedule a rental car from the company. The discount provided was fantastic and made our rental just shy of $1,000 for the entire first 6 weeks of Kelly’s treatment. We felt thankful, seen, and heard. Thank you, Lord!

Upon arrival to the Mesa airport, we got an unexpected text/call. My sister was reaching out with excitement to inform us that a vehicle had been provided for us, FREE OF CHARGE, through our brother in law’s family! We couldn’t believe it . . . seriously having to stop to process the information we were receiving. WOW!

Not only was the vehicle available to us for free, but we could have it for as long as our family needed for Kelly’s treatment. AND, the vehicle was accessible in the neighboring cities of Phoenix/Mesa, right where we needed to be! PRAISE GOD!

Furthermore, God blessed us to be able to get a full refund for the rental car cancellation!

Thank you to EVERYONE who prayed!


What Our Hearts Need