Perfect Provision Through Obedient Friends

We were blown away, overwhelmed, and honestly don’t know how to describe the feelings we had related to the overflowing of love and responses we received following the minimal social media share about Kelly’s cancer diagnosis. The comments, the personal phone calls, the texts, the numerous offers to help and assist however possible, and the promises to intercede on our behalf to the Living God were unending! Wow!

One of those calls included the outpouring of some financial resources from a couple to help “lighten the load a little” or utilize however we need in the coming days, months, etc ahead. They had been praying, and were led to gift a particular mount Flabbergasted to say the least! But, we are learning how to receive gifts even when uncomfortable. So thankful.

Jump forward two days later, we get a call back from our Mayo Clinic consult inquiry that informs us, among other discussions, that for “self-pay” patients a $$ retainer is required prior to being seen that equals the EXACT amount gifted to us by our friends two days prior! Hello God, we see You! Thank you for how You care about us, and even the smallest of details.


What Our Hearts Need