Catching Up

It’s amazing how much less “in the know” about all the nitty gritty I (Heather) am when back in Montana. I feel like I am playing catch up once we arrived back into Arizona late Friday night / Saturday early morning.

Although we are not fully out of contact when the McGoo Crew is not all together, between the busy schedule that the Mrs. and monkeys have in MT and the packed days Mr. has at the clinic Monday through Firday, it’s tough to get all the time you need to stay fully in the know.

So let’s catch up, shall we . . .

2 full weeks of Comprehensive Cancer Care for Kelly have been completed. Within that time frame, the following has occurred (in no specific order, and likely missing something on the list) while Kelly has been at the clinic Monday through Friday around 8am until 4/430p daily:

  • Transition to fully raw plant based diet - FOOD IS MEDICINE, we are learning SO much

  • 10 day juice feast to successfully completed

  • 2 - 1.5 hour consults/sessions with the oncologist and naturopath doc discussing all things Kelly. Undivided attentive attention by both physicians to unpack in detail Kelly’s specific lab work that week, responses and feelings to specific therapies prescribed, water intake inquires, mental health and emotional check-in, bowel movement frequency, and more!

  • Numerous blood draws

  • Access of his Port-a-cath on Monday x 2 with accessed removed on Fridays x 2

  • Acupuncture x 4

  • Lymphatic Massage x 4

  • Colonic x 4 with enema education

  • Counseling 1:1 x 2, with group counseling weekly as well

  • Movement x 6+

  • Constant education classes

  • Food Prep Hand-on Lessons x 4-5

  • IV infusions daily including Vitamin C, B vitamins, hydration therapy with LR, and more

  • UBI (Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation) with Ozone x 1

  • EBOO (Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation) x 1

  • Biomedical Dentist Assessment

  • EKG and Echo performed

  • Frequency x 2-3

  • Supplements added

  • BEMER (Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation)

  • PEMF (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field therapy)

  • Rebounder

  • Infared Sauna

  • Exercise with oxygen

  • Dry brushing

  • Castor Oil Packs

  • Getting to bed at 9p the latest (most every night), sleeping over 8 hours nightly

  • Peptide injections


What we know so far . . .

  • Kelly’s inflammation markers are going down, CRP was 2.9 at initial blood draw when arriving to the clinic, repeat on the following Monday was 2.5, and additional repeat draw before Week 2 ended had dropped to 2.3. Reduction of inflammation is a fabulous step forward towards healing!

  • Appropriate weight has been lost: 14 pounds from Monday start to Friday morning, day 5 of week 2 (12 days).

  • Kidney function is being closely monitored.

    Although we had positive kidney labs on our first initial blood, some of those labs redrawn at the start of week 2 showed less positive results (BUN was better than week 1 and now in normal limits, but Creatinine and GFR were worse than week 1), but we’ve pinpointed that shift was likely related to Kelly’s potential “dehydration” and less than stellar water intake while on the juice feast. Makes sense that Kelly would struggle to get larger amounts of water intake in while drinking 6 or more juices daily for his feast. Interested to see how those labs look from today’s draw.

  • Chemo is officially scheduled. We plan to start tomorrow, Day 2 Week 3, January 23rd. The plan currently is to have low-dose chemo twice a week x 4 weeks.

  • The initiation of chemo x 4 weeks means that we know that the time Kelly will be receiving treatment at the clinic will be 7 weeks, likely more like 8 weeks minimum now. Additional weeks might be added depending on how quickly Kelly’s body responds to the multi-faceted therapies. We knew that this journey at the clinic specifically would be 6-12 weeks. We extended the AirBnB x 2 weeks to make sure we had housing of the 8 weeks timeframe.

  • Healing doesn’t happen overnight. We are playing the long game regarding kidney health, kicking this mesentery tumor to the curb, and establishing a metabolic environment within the body that does not want to house cancer again. We are not just focused on tumor annihilation and the cancer we know, but are focused on making sure that chronic fermenting cells (CFCs) aren’t available to create havoc later.

Financial Update:

  • Week 1 and 2 Treatment invoicing has been received. I will create a financial post this week for accountability on the funds that have been raised thus far (THANK YOU), and share the continued need. We have been so blessed by those that have prayed, given, and shared. Knowing that we have the funds to pay these 2 invoices without worry is a HUGE blessing and stress release in this less than normal season of life for our family. THANK you!

  • 6 people out of the 30 goal have participated in the creation of a GIVING CALENDAR for our family. THANK YOU!!!

Family Time:

During the Mrs. and monkey departure time in Montana, Mr. McGoo was blessed to have his father here to support him and learn all about the comprehensive cancer care that Kelly is receiving. Larry had the opportunity to be present at the clinic and participate in the education classes, movement, and more. I know I can say confidently that Kelly’s dad is shocked and encouraged by ALL the ways the clinic is working to partner with Kelly for his health and healing. I’m pretty sure much has blown his mind and is thankful for the opportunity to have been here in AZ with his son.

We’re thankful for Poppy’s visit too!!! Outside of the great 1:1 father/son time that McGoos had while the Mrs. and monkeys were away, the 6 of us enjoyed time together too, including a gifted trip by Poppy to the local aquarium. We all had a blast and it was nice to be together has a group.

Poppy heads out tomorrow, Tuesday. He will be missed.


Chemo Start


Q&A with McGoo, Week 2