Treatment Cost Update

We are so to thankful and honored for the generosity and kindness. THANK YOU!

In an attempt to be transparent and accountable for the generous funds given, as well as continue to share the need, I want to share an updated financial picture of treatment thus far.

Funds Paid Thus Far (as of February 3, 2024 5:30p MST):

  • Day 1, January 8th: First week estimated treatment expense deposit: Paid $15,000

Remaining Funds Raised: 90,069 - 15,000 = $75,069

  • Week 1 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the $15K deposit): $7,531.11

Invoiced expenses included: New Patient, Extended Comprehensive Assessment; Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Enema training and supplies; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals 3 x daily + green juices x 2 Monday through Saturday; Snacks; Bemer Bed (Bio Electro-Magnetic Energy Regulation); PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy); Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT); Infrared Sauna; Cancer Profile sent to American Metabolic Laboratories; numerous IV infusions; Incentive Spirometer; Dry Brush, dry brushing training

  • Additional Week 1 Expenses outside of the clinic - Paid $838.45

These included: Toxin Analysis Send-off (499.00), Echo + EKG (339.45)

Remaining Funds Raised: $75,069 - 838.45 = $74,230.55

  • January 17 - 2nd & 3rd week estimated treatment expense deposit - Paid $13,000

Remaining Funds Raised: $74,230.55 - 13,000 = $61,230.55

  • Week 2 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the deposit account): $12,037.98

Invoiced expenses included: Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals x 3 for Saturday and Sunday for Juice Feast break; Green juices x 6-8 per day for Monday-Friday; Snacks; Bemer Bed; PEMF; Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; EWOT; Infrared Sauna; numerous IV infusions; Supplements; Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI); Weekly physician care and consult meeting; Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO); Peptide injections, training and materials/meds.

  • Additional Week 2 Expenses outside of the clinic - Paid $1,285.99

These included: Bio Dentist Consult & Plan of Care Established (647), Medications from the Pharmacy (638.99)

Remaining Funds Raised: $61,230.55 - 1,285.99 = $59,944.56

  • January 24 - 3rd & 4th week estimated treatment expense deposit - Paid $17,000

Remaining Funds Raised: $59,944.56 - 17,000 = $42,944.56

  • Week 3 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the deposit account): $12,470.52

Invoiced expenses included: Chemotherapy and all surrounding medications administered that day; Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals x 3 Monday through Saturday; Green juices x 2 per day for Monday-Friday; Snacks; Bemer Bed; PEMF; Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; EWOT; Infrared Sauna; numerous IV infusions; Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI); Weekly physician care and consult meeting; Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO), Specialty sweat pants and sweat shirt for upcoming hyperthermia treatment.

  • January 31 - 4th & 5th week estimated treatment expense deposit - Paid $15,600

Remaining Funds Raised: $42,944.56 - 15,600 = $27,344.56

Fundraising Event Today by our family that raised $1k

Today we are only $4,931 short of our original 95K Goal. Wow!

6 weeks of treatment was originally planned for financially as we embarked on this journey (estimated cost $15K per week), but we knew that we would likely have Kelly’s plan of care at the clinic go 8-12 weeks considering the complicated nature of the combo of non-hodgkins lymphoma and kidney disease.

Monday, February 5th we plan to get an updated understanding of the treatment plan. What should we expect, as much as one can “expect” anything. It’s all about how Kelly’s body responds. Kelly thought chemo would go for 4 weeks, but his body has only been able to handle 1 dose per week, which will likely extend our needs at the clinic. We will update the reality of our financial needs as we gain a better understanding for ourselves. Right now, I am choosing to TRUST. Trust that the Lord will continue to provide and not have fear of the unknown. He has been so faithful!

Updated Reimbursement Requests

Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO) IV prep - not covered by insurance reimbursement

We hope to elongate the funds raised for Kelly’s treatment with the pursuit of reimbursement from our medical share for some of the therapies and treatments that have CPT codes available for me to pass on. Integrated or Comprehensive Cancer Care does not all fall in line with reimbursement opportunities for insurance. For example, an integral part of Kelly’s care is lymphatic drainage therapy - this is HUGE. He has non-hodgkins lymphoma and we need to be sure his “sewer system” of the body, the pinnacle of our immune system is up and running appropriately and not blocked. We cannot request reimbursement for lymphatic massage and that’s a therapy he receives 2-3 times weekly at $160 per session.

Reimbursement Requested

  • January 23rd, from invoices of Week 1 and 2: $5,534.83

  • January 25th, additional invoices of Week 1 and 2: $453.00

  • January 31st, from invoices of Week 3: $4,908.20

Total Reimbursement Requested: $10,896.03

Total Reimbursement Received: $0

Pray with us that we obtain the full amounts requested from the medical share.

Pray with us that the reimbursement would come quickly.


Week 5 Touching Base


Week 4 of Treatment