Week 5 Touching Base

Last week concluded Week 5 of Kelly’s treatment at the clinic . . . part of the to do list left by the Mrs before she headed back to MT was to have Kelly share a lil bit about this current status and how things are going thus far with all that has been happening over the last five weeks plus in Arizona.

Unfortunately, it takes a bit to get those video updates posted, even though Kelly provided them Friday night 2/9. The Mrs and monkeys arrive into MT Friday around 8p, and the weekend hits the ground running with 24 hours worked at the hospital and kiddo coordination. So thankful for the friends who help care for the monkeys while the Mrs is at work.

Here Kelly touches base:

Note: Family’s biz shoutout Kelly mentions in his above video and butchered, ha! Fun Sized Photo Co and Studio St. Pete


Saturday, 2/10/24 posting on Instagram:

Another week in Arizona in the books. Dad’s 5th week and the Mrs and kiddos’ 3rd week.

The adaptability of these kiddos and their willingness to roll with it overall has been amazing! They’ve stepped right into the flow of the travel days (typically every Friday), clinic days Monday through Friday, new church (thank you @antiochphx), different food pursuits as we are changing the entire family’s diet, and so much more. 🤯

But it’s impossible to not feel the feels and have some hard days or moments when the life you knew got turned upside down. 🙃 And likely not easy when Mom and Dad aren’t necessarily at their best either to help support those moments or days. Thank you, Lord for your grace!

We are trying to make space for those days or moments - not only for the kids but for the Mr & Mrs too! Learning and trying to figure out what each kiddo needs emotionally or how to help them best express those feels has been a top pursuit as Team McGoo journeys these days. We don’t always get it right, but we keep trying, reaching out for resources, and pressing into the Master that knows their heart better than us.

Romans 8:26-27 reminds us “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.”

Thankful for the smiles, laughs, and cuddles from these monkeys. We are blessed. 2 songs this week that have helped our mindset and pep in our step: “Good Day” by Forrest Frank and “Fruit of the Spirit” from the Crazy Praise, Vol2 Album 😊


Kelly shares, in typical long-winded McGoo fashion, a little more about some specific specialty therapies and treatments he is getting at An Oasis of Healing in Arizona.

Five weeks into the Monday through Friday process and he looks better than when he got there and the blood work trends are showing that to be true as well! The hard work and difficulty of being away from family is worth it.


  • CRP (inflammatory marker) was elevated 2.9 at arrival to clinic and has been trending downward every week!

    • Normal range: less than 0.8, FRIDAY 2/9, CRP = 0.9

  • GFR (kidney filtration rate) was 23 when Kelly left MT, Stage 4 Kidney disease being told by the nephrologist that the kidneys could not heal, and that at best we could “hold the line” and “MAYBE getting rid of the cancer would help a little”.

    • Friday 2/9, GFR 29, and that was the day following his chemo

    • We have seen as high as 30 at the clinic so far, which would put Kelly to Stage 3 Kidney disease. His kidneys are responding so well to therapies at the clinic! Healing is happening.

  • Weight loss since arrival to clinic, a little more than 20lbs, looking and feeling healthier.

Cliff Note topics from video:

  • Dietary changes (through minute 5): fully Raw Plant Based at the clinic and learning the WHY

  • Kelly’s chemo process, most simplistic way to describe is “low-dose chemo”. Beyond the specialty process of administration that is happening at the clinic, the dose each time is less than 100mg compared to the conventional treatment plan of care that wanted to do 375mg in one dose every 3 weeks without the support mechanisms and therapies for Kelly surrounding it (through minute 9:25).

  • Hyperthermia (through minute 12). Research has demonstrated that increased temperatures damage and kill cancerous cells with minimal injury to normal cells. The cancer killing effects of hyperthermia are achieved when temps are maintained between 102.2F-105.8F (39C-42C) for 1-2 hours. The therapeutic effects of each treatment are seen for up to 5 days following each hyperthermia session; and is an effective cancer therapy.

  • Goals (minute 12)

  • Bootcamp (minute 13:45), this journey launches forward for continued change. We are playing a long game, not a short one!

So thankful to be on this journey, and be able to participate in this type of attentive and whole body therapy and care thanks to everyone’s support!


Treatment Costs Continued


Treatment Cost Update