Treatment Costs

We wouldn’t be able to pursue this amazing care that Kelly has been receiving without the amazing generosity of so many. As you’ve probably heard me say already, this clinic is better than I imagined and hoped. We know we are in the right place for Kelly’s health restoration needs. If you have prayed, shared, and/or given - we cannot thank you enough! Although we KNEW this treatment route (fully comprehensive cancer care . . . integrated oncology that looks not just at the chronic fermenting cells [the cancer] and how to kill them, but also pursues to know the possible causes and takes into account whole body care needs to create an environment that cancer does not want to thrive) was the way we needed to go, especially in relation to Kelly’s very sensitive kidney status - we could not have done it without you!

We started with a fundraising goal of $95,000.

95K = 6 weeks of estimated treatment costs, $15,000 each week + $5,000 “extra” to cover the transaction fee expenses with using a credit card processor to obtain funds (2.9% + 0.30 per transaction).

Today we have raised: $84,965


In an attempt to be transparent and accountable for the generous funds given, as well as continue to share the need, I want to share an updated financial picture of treatment thus far.

Funds Paid Thus Far:

  • Day 1, January 8th: First week estimated treatment expense deposit: Paid $15,000

Remaining Funds Raised: 84,965 - 15,000 = $69,965

  • Week 1 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the $15K deposit): $7,531.11

Invoiced expenses included: New Patient, Extended Comprehensive Assessment; Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Enema training and supplies; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals 3 x daily + green juices x 2 Monday through Saturday; Snacks; Bemer Bed (Bio Electro-Magnetic Energy Regulation); PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy); Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT); Infrared Sauna; Cancer Profile sent to American Metabolic Laboratories; numerous IV infusions; Incentive Spirometer; Dry Brush, dry brushing training

  • Additional Week 1 Expenses outside of the clinic - Paid $838.45

These included: Toxin Analysis Send-off (499.00), Echo + EKG (339.45)

Remaining Funds Raised: $69,965 - 838.45 = $69,126.55

  • January 17 - 2nd & 3rd week estimated treatment expense deposit - Paid $13,000

Remaining Funds Raised: $69,126.55 - 13,000 = $56,126.55

  • Week 2 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the deposit account) - $12,037.98

EWOT - Exercise with Oxygen

Invoiced expenses included: Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals x 3 for Saturday and Sunday for Juice Feast break; Green juices x 6-8 per day for Monday-Friday; Snacks; Bemer Bed; PEMF; Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; EWOT; Infrared Sauna; numerous IV infusions; Supplements; Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI); Weekly physician care and consult meeting; Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO); Peptide injections, training and materials/meds.

  • Additional Week 2 Expenses outside of the clinic - Paid $1,285.99

These included: Bio Dentist Consult & Plan of Care Established (647), Medications from the Pharmacy (638.99)

Remaining Funds Raised: $56,126.55 - 1,285.99 = $54,840.56

  • January 24 - 3rd & 4th week estimated treatment expense deposit - Paid $17,000

Remaining Funds Raised: $54,840.56 - 17,000 = $37,840.56

Kitchen Class - Education, equipping Kelly for success when he heads home!

We planned for 6 weeks of treatment as we embarked on this journey, knowing we would have to assess along the way and the plan of care could run 8-12 weeks. We now know that treatment will go at least through week 8. Kelly’s low-dose chemotherapy will be 4 weeks long taking us through week 7. Therefore, week 8 minimal would be a re-assessment time. We’ll learn more as we go and see how Kelly’s body reacts to each treatment and what further intervention he might need.

Today we are only $10,035 short of our 95K Goal. I say only, because I am truly confident the Lord will continue to provide! He has blown our socks off! Thank you, again, for those who have and are praying, giving and sharing. You are being the hands and feet of God! Our family does not take that for granted!!! Thank you.

I am looking to extend that 6 weeks worth of treatment expenses through the 8 weeks of treatment we know that is needed (another $30K-ish potential). Thankfully the first couple weeks of treatment have fallen below the expected 15K mark - this helps, but therapies are increasing as time goes on which means the weeks ahead will be invoiced out in a greater manner. More therapy/treatment = more cost. For example, the chemo being utilized for Kelly was more expensive than some of the typical chemotherapy agents used at the clinic. This means a greater thane expected weekly expense with chemotherapy starting Week 3.

Beyond praying that people continue to give generously over and beyond our initial fundraising goal, one way to elongate the funds raised is my pursuit of reimbursement for some of the therapies and treatments that have CPT codes available for me to pass on to our medical share. Integrated or Comprehensive Cancer Care does not all fall in line with reimbursement opportunities for insurance. For example, an integral part of Kelly’s care is lymphatic drainage therapy - this is HUGE. He has non-hodgkins lymphoma and we need to be sure his “sewer system” of the body, the pinnacle of our immune system is up and running appropriately and not blocked. We cannot request reimbursement for lymphatic massage and that’s a therapy he receives 2-3 times weekly.

Last night, January 23rd, I uploaded numerous invoices to my medical share entity requesting reimbursement. My request for reimbursement for the medical share totaled: $5,534.83. Pray with me that we obtain that full amount from the medical share. That reimbursement, if provided in full would provide 18% of the extra 2 weeks worth of treatment funds needed. Unfortunately the reimbursement process is relatively slow moving. Our current experience with sharing medical bills from the numerous conventional medicine expenses we have from MT since October 4th, has been seeing a 4 week turn around for reimbursement. Those bills had discount expiration dates helping to push them through the medical share process in a timely manner to ensure we keep the discount offered. In contrast, the clinic bills for current therapy have already been paid in full, so I’m not sure what “timeline” the medical share with have for reimbursement. Your prayers are appreciated on that process!

Blessed by so much kindness and generosity! The Lord is continuing to make sure we know his presence and provision in this crazy time. THANK YOU!!!


Though You Slay Me


Chemo Start