Treatment Costs Continued

Hands-on Learning Class at the Clinic’s Kitchen

Kelly jumps into his second Hyperthermia session tomorrow, Tuesday 2/13. Please pray for him. Although this is a very effective treatment modality, it is very difficult on the mind. 6 hours in a chamber, 2 to warm up, 2 at the hot temp desired, and 2 to cool down.

I just sat down to have the time to update our treatment costs and fundraising status. My next deposit payment for treatment is due Wednesday 2/14. We now know that the the plan is for Kelly to continue through 8 weeks of treatment at the clinic before heading homeward bound to MT and continuing things locally at home. Our deposit Wednesday 2/14 are for this weeks estimate expenses, week 6, and the upcoming week 7 expectations. We will have 1 more deposit to make after this week before closing in on week 8 and final payment needs before getting Kelly on a plane to Montana.

Thank you for all who have prayed, given, and shared.

Full breakdown below, but cliff notes are as follows:

  • We owe $20K on Wednesday and have $14,224.56 left in the fundraising account.

  • Everything I have shared with our medical share ($10,896.03 thus far) is noted as “received” in my member portal but not yet “filed”, which means no money is coming anytime soon from them, assuming they will reimburse on everything requested/shared. The first bill shared was uploaded January 18th.

Funds Paid Thus Far (as of February 12, 2024 10:26p MST):

  • Day 1, January 8th: First week estimated treatment expense deposit: Paid $15,000

Remaining Funds Raised: 90,849 - 15,000 = $75,849

  • Week 1 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the $15K deposit): $7,531.11

Invoiced expenses included: New Patient, Extended Comprehensive Assessment; Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Enema training and supplies; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals 3 x daily + green juices x 2 Monday through Saturday; Snacks; Bemer Bed (Bio Electro-Magnetic Energy Regulation); PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy); Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT); Infrared Sauna; Cancer Profile sent to American Metabolic Laboratories; numerous IV infusions; Incentive Spirometer; Dry Brush, dry brushing training

  • Additional Week 1 Expenses outside of the clinic - Paid $838.45

These included: Toxin Analysis Send-off (499.00), Echo + EKG (339.45)

Remaining Funds Raised: $75,849 - 838.45 = $75,010.55

  • January 17 - 2nd & 3rd week estimated treatment expense deposit - Paid $13,000

Remaining Funds Raised: $75,010.55 - 13,000 = $62,010.55

  • Week 2 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the deposit account): $12,037.98

Invoiced expenses included: Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals x 3 for Saturday and Sunday for Juice Feast break; Green juices x 6-8 per day for Monday-Friday; Snacks; Bemer Bed; PEMF; Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; EWOT; Infrared Sauna; numerous IV infusions; Supplements; Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI); Weekly physician care and consult meeting; Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO); Peptide injections, training and materials/meds.

  • Additional Week 2 Expenses outside of the clinic - Paid $1,285.99

These included: Bio Dentist Consult & Plan of Care Established (647), Medications from the Pharmacy (638.99)

Remaining Funds Raised: $62,010.55 - 1,285.99 = $60,724.56

  • January 24 - 3rd & 4th week estimated treatment expense deposit - Paid $17,000

Remaining Funds Raised: $60,724.56 - 17,000 = $43,724.56

  • Week 3 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the deposit account): $12,470.52

Invoiced expenses included: Chemotherapy and all surrounding medications administered that day; Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals x 3 Monday through Saturday; Green juices x 2 per day for Monday-Friday; Snacks; Bemer Bed; PEMF; Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; EWOT; Infrared Sauna; numerous IV infusions; Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI); Weekly physician care and consult meeting; Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO), Specialty sweat pants and sweat shirt for upcoming hyperthermia treatment.

  • January 31 - 4th & 5th week estimated treatment expense deposit - Paid $15,600

Remaining Funds Raised: $43,724.56 - 15,600 = $28,124.56

  • Week 4 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the deposit account): $11,836.32

Invoiced expenses included: Chemotherapy and all surrounding medications administered that day; Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; VitD injections; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals x 3 Monday through Saturday; Green juices x 2 per day for Monday-Friday; Snacks; Bemer Bed; PEMF; Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; EWOT; Infrared Sauna; numerous IV infusions; Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI); Weekly physician care and consult meeting; Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO).

  • February 7 - 5th & 6th week estimated treatment expense deposit - Paid $13,900

Remaining Funds Raised: $28,124.56 - 13,900 = $14,224.56

  • Week 5 Invoiced Expenses (taken out of the deposit account): $17,372.06

Invoiced expenses included: Chemotherapy and all surrounding medications administered that day; Port-A-Cath access and maintenance for the week; Blood Draws; Labs; VitD injections; Acupuncture; Lymphatic Massage - Manual and Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; Colonic; Movement; Tons of education classes; Raw plant based meals x 3 Monday through Saturday; Green juices x 2 per day for Monday-Friday; Snacks; Bemer Bed; PEMF; Hypervibe Movement & Rife Machine sessions; Frequency; 1:1 Counseling, Group Counseling; EWOT; Infrared Sauna; numerous IV infusions; Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI); Weekly physician care and consult meeting; Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO); Hyperthermia session and sedation medications for the procedure; and Lymphatic Mapping.

Amount owed (Wednesday 2/14) for estimated 6th & 7th week treatment expense deposit: $20,000

Beautiful gift mailed to us from our nephews & niece.

When I look at those numbers and the discrepancy of what is available versus owed, I do not feel the fear or uncertainty today.

I’m thankful that today, in this moment, I do not have fear, worry, or fret.

The Lord has been so faithful.

I sit here without angst. Even though when I sat down for this update, I didn’t know what the numbers would shake up to be. And when it came to light, it’s comforting that I did not well up with fear.

I haven’t always felt that way or had those moments always. Trust me. There have been many moments in the last several months when I’ve cried out to the Lord with little faith, HOW Lord, it’s too much!?! Truly, I’m more prone to lean on my own understanding and my “abilities” and attempt to carry the weight of the to dos.

Instead . . . today, in this moment, I see the need. I share the update, and I release. My God is able.

More of Him and less of me!




Week 5 Touching Base