We Have a Plan

It’s a bit overwhelming to be honest, and almost feels uncomfortable to share . . . likely because having a treatment plan established means further acknowledgement that this is all real. Kelly is battling cancer and has kidney issues, and stating a plan for how to combat that verbalizes again that all of this is really happening. The mind is funny, . . . we KNOW, . . . yet, somehow we can also ignore and pretend like it’s not happening. I don’t think I felt that until I sat here to type “we have a plan”. The planner in me is pumped. The go-getter, to do list person inside me is thrilled. Let’s do it! But, if I’m honest with myself, and to you . . . a plan also makes me stop to feel the heaviness and the grief of my favorite person in the world having to battle and fight through something like this. My husband, my best friend, my kiddos’ amazing dad. He has cancer and kidney disease. It stinks. I wish it wasn’t so. I’d hope for different. But it is . . . God allowed it to be. . . and God is able far beyond my feeble expectations and wants. So . . . we have a plan.

I think it’s best summarized in the description I just wrote within the GoFundMe page we created - also something uncomfortable. It feels too vulnerable. Too needy. Too out of my control. Kelly will confirm without hesitation - I’m a control freak and I like to do things in my own strength. Well, unless there is a big spider and Kelly is in the house - then I turn into a little teeny-bopper girl with screams and demand my night in shining armor attack and kill the ghastly beast. Ha, I digress. . . . I like to admit, I’m a Pharisee at heart. I get it. It’s so much more comfortable and seemingly “attainable” to work my way to heaven, versus rest in God’s grace and provision. To rest in His doing, not my own. To acknowledge I can’t do it in my own strength, but that He is able. That’s uncomfortable, but so real, and such a blessing. Thank you Jesus.!

And so here we are, in this journey for Kelly’s health learning again . . . it’s the Lord who provides. It’s the Lord who saves. And it’s the Lord that heals. Lord, let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven! Give us this day, our daily bread!

GoFundMe: Fight for Kelly's kidneys while he battles cancer!

Never did we imagine when we learned that Kelly's kidney labs were a bit abnormal that we would not only obtain a Stage 4 Kidney Disease diagnosis with unknown cause, but also hear the words "you have lymphoma". Kelly's medical history does not typically warrant any type of kidney disease risk, nor did he have any symptoms of potential cancer. Yet, here we find ourselves.

December 1, 2023 Kelly was officially diagnosed with Follicular Lymphoma, a Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma post biopsy of a mass in the mesentery of his gut that was found incidentally during a scan of his kidneys. Thankfully, as of today (12/21/23), Kelly continues to be asymptomatic regarding this 10-11cm mass.

After oncology visits, a PET Scan, nephrology appointments, and consults to find the best course of treatment, we have learned that Kelly's treatment pursuits are complicated. Due to his kidney function being significantly lacking for unknown reason, this complicates treatment pursuits for the cancer. On one hand, maybe the cancer is causing the kidney woes. On the other, no one knows. Typically a baseline plan of care for non-hodgkins lymphoma is conventional chemotherapy. The mass should be super responsive to chemo per the providers. We were prescribed a particular chemo regimen with expectations of 4.5 months worth (a session every 3 weeks during that time) of chemo that not only includes the standard side effects of chemotherapy but also produces significant risk for Kelly's kidney function. This suggested plan of care also states that "curing" isn't the goal, and noted the norm expectation was that once the mass is gone and Kelly is in "remission", it's likely that in 2-3 years the lymphoma would return and chemo would be needed again, creating another large concern for Kelly's kidneys.

Therefore, we pursued other options. We yearned and desired to find a plan of care that would fight for Kelly's kidney function while he also battles cancer. We found an integrated comprehensive cancer care program that seems to be the perfect fit for Kelly's specific body needs. A pursuit to support and fight for Kelly's kidney function (and whole body) while also battling the cancer that has been found. A blend of conventional treatment (low dose chemo, hyperthermia/thermal therapy, etc) with holistic naturopath support (diet, exercise, immune support infusions, counseling, etc) - integrated therapy.

The program will be intense, and at least 6 weeks in Arizona. It will be a full-time job focus for Kelly, working to help restore his health. He will be at the clinic Monday through Friday 8am-430p. There will be tons of logistics for our family to figure out and we plan to keep everyone up to date with our website (Southern Roots Adventure Soul). Thankfully, Kelly's mom lives about 2 hours from the clinic and we found relatively inexpensive flight options direct from MT to AZ.

We pursued the best plan of care for Kelly without worrying about finances, but the reality is that things cost - especially when it becomes out of pocket due to having aspects outside of the conventional plan of care. And, as uncomfortable as it can be to ask for help, we acknowledge that God is ultimately the one who provides and all we can do is share the need and let God take care of it from there (often through the amazing community He has provided to us). We feel unworthy, but keep getting asked "how can we help", so we share.

The goal amount is the equivalent of 6 weeks worth of Kelly's specific comprehensive care program plus a little to cover the transaction fees that will come out (Go Fund Me charges standard processing fees: 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction).

Pray. Share. Give.

Whichever you choose, any or all, we are so thankful!

The McGugans

Kelly, Heather, Kyler, Declan and Brady

More details and specifics to share as we move forward.

Thank you for your love and support.

Mrs. McGoo


Merry Christmas!


A Full Week