I Can’t Do This On My Own


Kelly and his 3 monkeys

There is so much happening and buzzing in our heads as we prepare our family for the journey ahead. Arrangements and logistics being selected, funding needs for treatment continuing to be raised, things to know from the clinic before we head that way, and more.

I feel like time is flying and in the same moment I look up to see that my last update was ONLY 6-7 days ago! Time is moving slower and faster simultaneously. More vulnerability and emotions have been shared in the days since December 1, 2023 than what feels like in my lifetime. As a typical “analytical, non-emotional” gal it’s honestly gravely uncomfortably . . . but I have also seen and felt God’s presence in powerful ways. I hope to sit and document some more of those moments in the HE LOVES US page soon.

I left work early tonight, (low census), and was contemplating this reality . . . More tears. More pain. More discomfort. And yet I can also say that I’ve possibly never felt more seen and known by God than in these same moments. At each breaking point, each tender and vulnerable moment, each tear, or feeling of overwhelm, He has made His presence known - often through His people, so thank you for your obedience when He has led you to reach out or give. I heard this song tonight, and although I don’t agree with the line that “nobody told me life could be so hard”, the words overall resonated and spoke truth to God’s faithfulness and provision of strength. “I can’t do this on my own”.

Kelly’s Treatment: What’s the Deal?

I’ve had a few inquires asking for more specifics regarding Kelly’s treatment and “need” for fundraising. I’m happy to share more and appreciate the asks.

As mentioned previously, our main goal when Kelly got the diagnosis of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, follicular lymphoma was to pursue and choose a provider and treatment plan that was willing to fight for Kelly’s kidney function. Kelly’s kidney function has already reduced (for unknown reason) to 23%, also known as Stage 4 Kidney Disease as of our last lab draw November 27, 2023. This is significant because the 15% level sets in motion a “kidney failure” diagnosis and discussions regarding needs for dialysis and/or transplant. We ultimately found, vetted, and chose a clinic that was focused on Comprehensive Integrative Cancer Care and shared the willingness to make Kelly’s kidneys a priority. This is a place that would not only have MDs but also naturopathic doctors on the case, working together to support Kelly’s body to fight the cancer and maintain kidney function.

So why is there so much money needed?

Like many providers these days, the integrated clinic does not contract with any insurance carriers but instead provides the invoice for services each week with appropriate billing codes and allows the patient to submit the paperwork to their insurance companies as desired for reimbursement potential. This actually helps to keep costs lower. Added paperwork and engagement with insurance companies takes time and additional labor, both of which are expenses.

We will pay week to week for Kelly’s treatment, starting with a $15K deposit on our January 8 start date. Once services are rendered at the completion of that first week of therapy, the care plan completed will be invoiced/billed and the required funds to cover the expense will be removed from our deposit account. It is then our responsibility to refill the deposit account to the projected expense level of the next week’s treatment plan. Once week two is completed, the care received will be invoiced removing the appropriate amount from our account that will then await another payment to refill for week three, etc.

Although we personally do not have commercial insurance, we are part of a health-cost sharing program that has been a huge blessing in this journey thus far. It’s been great. We do plan to pursue reimbursement wherever applicable for Kelly’s treatment but (1) that process for reimbursement takes time, and (2) the integrated approach to Kelly’s care includes several therapies that are likely not shareable.

Another factor coming into play is that the estimated length of time Kelly will need to receive consistent care at the clinic, Monday through Friday is 8-12 weeks. The variability proposed is taking into account the uniqueness of Kelly and his body, monitoring him for the effectiveness of therapy and what he needs to restore health and get home to MT.

Some examples of therapies Kelly will receive at the clinic from 8-430p Monday through Friday (short-list):

  • Blood draws 2-3 per week: huge for his kidney monitoring

  • Dietary classes - plant based diet

  • Meals, Snacks, Juices, Treats

  • Counseling

  • Infared Sauna

  • Low-dose chemotherapy

  • Vitamin C infusions

  • Hyperthermia

  • Ozone

  • Colon Hydrotherapy

  • Movement, Exercise

  • Lymphatic Massage

  • Acupuncture

Our fundraising goal is set for 6 full weeks of the treatment plan. We are aware that Kelly will most likely require more than 6 weeks of care at the clinic. Our hope is that any reimbursement potential we have with our medical share program plus the 6 weeks of treatment fundraising combined would provide our financial need to get to the finish line of those 8-12 weeks, however long Kelly’s body requires.

Thank you again for your generosity to help us achieve that goal. Please know that the funds raised are going solely to Kelly’s treatment. We have a specific bank account established for just that purpose. Our personal rainy day/emergency fund is working to cover the logistical aspects of this treatment plan: housing in AZ, flights back and forth every other week for Heather and the kiddos, transportation expenses, reduced work hours for Heather that reduces our monthly budget, etc. We feel strongly about fiscal accountability, especially when it comes to the generous giving of others. Thank you!

We look forward to sharing more details as he gets settled into the clinic and begins his treatment plan.

Want to Help but Don’t Know How

Friends were asking for some tangible easy support raising opportunities for us - desiring to give more than their personal budget allowed. We feel so honored and loved. THANK YOU. This is something simple we came up with and wanted to share in case anyone else desired to participate.

30 people pursue the “Giving Calendar”:

  1. Use the calendar noted to the right (or your own)

  2. Engage your network to complete the January Calendar giving (Donate $ equal to day claimed, January 6 = $6, January 10 = $10, etc.)

  3. Donate $4 personally

= $500 donation

30 x $500 = $15,000 equal to 1 full week of treatment




Ready, Set, . . .