
McGoo Musings

The journey is unknown, but we know that we are not alone. Opportunities to share our thoughts, updates, and specifics about Kelly’s unexpected health journey.

Team McGoo Team McGoo

Ready, Set, . . .

Today we not only have an established plan of care, but also a start date. It’s kind of nice to have the wheels beginning to feel like they are in motion, or at least slightly starting to turn. Throughout the last couple days, we have confirmed and established the treatment start date, found and booked living arrangements in Arizona, and officially booked flights.

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Kelly McGugan Kelly McGugan

Merry Christmas!

Watching “It’s a Wonderful Life” the night before Christmas is always special, and I am amazed at how a scene sticks out to me more than others.

This year, a few things I learned that I hadn’t seen before. Empathy and how precious time with others can be.

Here are a couple of thoughts:

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Team McGoo Team McGoo

We Have a Plan

It’s a bit overwhelming to be honest, and almost feels uncomfortable to share . . . likely because having a treatment plan established means further acknowledgement that this is all real. Kelly is battling cancer and has kidney issues, and stating a plan for how to combat that verbalizes again that all of this is really happening. The mind is funny, . . . we KNOW, . . . yet, somehow we can also ignore and pretend like it’s not happening. I don’t think I felt that until I sat here to type “we have a plan”.

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Team McGoo Team McGoo

A Full Week

The week was full.

Monday (12/11/23) held the typical to dos (school, work, errands, kiddos extracurricular activities, etc.) with honestly the underlying weight of the week ahead. A consistent play of Firm Foundation by Cody Carnes was helpful. Life goes on, even while you’re in the waiting and still surrounded by so much uncertainty.

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Team McGoo Team McGoo

How It Started

October 4, 2023, we found ourselves unexpectedly at the ER due to abnormal lab values for Kelly on a recent blood draw that showed worsening kidney function without known cause. We thought while at the ER, we might get some fluids, a non-contrast CT Scan, and a consult with a kidney doctor - the nephrologist. Instead, we were admitted.

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